NEW YORK (Nuendo Music/ www.nuendomusic.com) - Nuendo Music Group Recording Artist Geri King has her new single 'Tears You'll Never See' featured in a JC Penney MP3 Player Giveaway promotion. The JC Penney MP3 Player Giveaway campaign marks the third time this year that Geri King has been featured in a national promotion. Geri King's CD Always is currently making its way to major and secondary radio markets throughout the US and is available at most major retailers i.e.: FYE, Sam Goody, Borders, etc…. as well as most major online retailers and download sites. Following the success of 4 top 10 singles on the Australian Radio charts for over 30 weeks with both her debut EPCD Tenderly and her sophomore CD D?j? Vu. Geri does not disappoint with her newest CD Always. Always delights the ears with eclectic blends of ethnic world sounds keeping the overall vibe of the songs distinctly R&B. She delivers sexy love ballads true to form sure to make many swoon. Her voice is richer in tone and texture, her delivery of the songs is strong and believable, all this gives proof to some things only getting better. She'll be making a number of public appearances as well as being featured in a Sennheiser sponsored ad campaign at www.truesoundlounge.com https://www.geriking.com Go to www.freemusicoffer.com to check out the new promotion.