New York, NY (Top40 Charts/ Jaino official website) The story behind the song is I keep seeing people left out of the society not only from travelling to Thailand and India at an early age but everywhere I´ve been and even in my own home country Sweden which is supposed to be so great"Jaino shared. "
I see what that leads to. The way I see it, most people only watch the outcasts of society alive and in miserable shape perhaps, we all know that living on the streets means you probably have to commit crime to survive and it´s very likely you´ll ease the pain with the drug of your choice leading to death within a couple of years. We all know that, but how many will see the actual death of that person contra how many have walked by that person during his or her years on the streets? Almost no one, right? Well I see that, part of my work is transporting their bodies to the morgue from wherever they had their last drink, heroin, crack, cocaine or decided to blow their brains out.
That´s the real reality! is it "average joes" reality? So I guess seeing the entire picture instead of just "knowing" makes me able to relate more and feel stronger about their situation"