LOS ANGELES (Gospel Star Search Live/ www.gospelstarsearchlive.com) - Any Gospel artists who wants to audition for Gospel Star Search Live can register and perform at a later date in front of a live audience to see who will make it to the final round! The competition is fierce! It is now time to get ready begin registration for Gospel Star Search Live 2005. Gospel Star Search Live will be taking registration this Saturday, September 25th 10 am until – 2 pm for the GSSL 2005 Auditions at the World Famous Restaurant – 415 Northwood Road in West Palm Beach. The first audition will take place October 22nd. Last year Gospel Star Search Live gave out over $6,400 in cash prizes. You can also register for Anointed Voices, which will air on PAX-TV. Gospel Star Search Live is sponsoring Hurricane Relief on Friday, October 1st @ 7pm at new Macedonia - 748 9th Street in Riviera Beach. Bring clothing and nonperishable food items to donate to people in the community. Any artist who wishes to perform on that evening to call (561) 845-0888. You don't have to register or pay a fee to perform at this special event. The top winner of Gospel Star Search Live 2005 will receive a performance portfolio, possible recording contract and travel throughout Europe and the United States. This event will be recorded and televised on a major network. Comedians, soloists, dancers, bands, quartets and instrumentalists have been anticipating this exciting event to showcase their talent! Bring your family and friends! The competition is fierce. You don't want to miss this! Call us or email us today! You can also mail your application to the address listed on the Gospel Star Search Live website.