TERRE HAUTE, IN. (Celestial Records) - With great joy, we extend this invitation to you to attend one of the most exciting event in presenting what the Lord has gifted to His People here at Lawndale Community Church. On September 1, 2004 the new Gospel CD release entitled "I Will Ever Sing Your Praise", featuring Music Minister, Stanley Ratliff and the Hope House Choir, will be available to personally minister to you! As you may know, for many years the Lord has gifted Stanley Ratliff to create some of His best in Gospel Music. In Stanley's cultivating the voices of faithful men within The Hope House Ministry at Lawndale Community Church, you now have the opportunity to "Taste and see" this anointed Gospel Project. Celestial Records would be honored by your presence in this celebration that will take place Sunday, September 19th at 4pm at the Lawn Dale Community Church where Dr. Wayne (Coach) Gordon is Pastor. Stanley and The Hope House Choir will perform many of the CD selections for your enjoyment. CDs will be available after the service for a special CD release price. The guest host of the evening will be Dr. Joseph Rhoiney, (WMBJ 90.1 fm) Gospel Radio producer and host of the music feature "Gospel Praise," and "The JHO RONI SHOW" (America's No1 Gospeltainment T.V. Show on your local cable network.) Dr Rhoiney also produced the testimonial feature you will hear on the CD. Celestial Records is a Christian record Company aiming to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by promoting Gospel Music in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. We also want to present employment and recording opportunities for peopl blessed with talent from all walks of life, especially people who would not otherwise have a chance to record their music. Celestial Records is the main Sponsor of Celestial Ministries, the Non-Profit arm of these combined ministries.