NEW YORK (www.miriamchristine.com) - Miriam Christine's new album, 'Little Zee' is out on release and is available through various online distributors, including cdbaby and Tower Records. Describing the album, Miriam Christine says 'The style has an R&B influence, but R&B is a very generic term nowadays. There are influences such as funk, soul and even a hint of rock music here and there. We wanted to give ourselves plenty of room for experimenting and exploring different styles to marry with R&B and I'm very satisfied with the results'. Producer and musician Boris Cezek developed the tracks after Miriam Christine had written the music, and Miriam Christine is keen to point out that 'Boris added a lot to this album. He took my desire to explore R&B and did something different to the norm. We were constantly surprised with how the tracks were developing… and that was such a great feeling of excitement. He brought a lot of musical knowledge and character to the project'. Amongst the 15 tracks are a number of songs that deal with personal issues drawn from the singer/songwriter's background, including overcoming prejudice as the only child of ethnic origin at her school in the Mediterranean island of Gozo (in the title track 'Little Zee') and her reflecting on her adoption. In a strange twist of fate, 'Mystery Mama' was written just prior to the singer meeting her natural mother in Brazil. For more information log onto the official website: www.miriamchristine.com