NEW YORK (Queen Of the Stone Ages Official Website/ www.qotsa.com) - The Eagles Of Death Metal/Queens Of The Stone Age drummer Josh Homme has posted the following update regarding the departure of Homme from the group and replacement by Joey Castillo. Dear Momma, I got some hard words to get off this chizzeled, muscular, sexy, hairy, sexy 'ol chest of mine. It's serious this momma... It's about my Baby Duck. Joshua & I talked deep into the night & I just know he's gonna go thru with it... Like an ambush w/out warning, Joshua 's gonna fire Josh tomorrow. It's gonna be a blood salad. Momma, I'd be lying if I didn't admit there's some truth to Joshua's take on josh's recent 'tude. He has become like a hurricane, tsunami, earthquake with a 20% chance of partly rowdy & a 102.741% chance of untameable sex manimal. The hardest part 'bout this wacky mess, for me momma, is how much I'll miss my Sasquatch of Death Metal. He sure knew how to bump rump & boot scoot all my precious boogie chillen'... It was Joshua's plan for the replacement of josh that not only convinced me, but left me w/ a case of the wiggles (which has since been diagnosed incureable). It's his masterstroke. Baby Duck's replaced himself w/ none other than Joey "the Sexy Mexy" Castillo & Darlin' Dave "the snowhawk" Catching. Only they can fill the sexy chasm of a gap left by Baby Duck's sudden dissmal of himself. There's so many tail feathers left to shake, Momma & Baby Duck's dirty little scheme gauranteeze that the boogie gets dropped, so the woogie ain't stopped. Hallelujah! You know what Momma? Joshua told me that he really wanted to change... He just didn't know what to wear. I know you'll miss that Von Sexron sass (He's comin to dinner on wednesday), but chin up Momma, cuz I managed to convince him to Play drums on a few of my dates w/ destiny. Here are the official Eagles of Death Metal Rocktober tour dates:
Fri-Oct-08 Phoenix (Tempe) Big Fish Pub Sat-Oct-09 Silverlake Spaceland (TWO DRUMMERS JOSHUA & JOEY. Bring your dancin boots) Sun-Oct-10 San Francisco Cafe Du Nord Mon-Oct-11 Petaluma Phoenix Tue-Oct-12 Off Wed-Oct-13 Seattle Chop Suey (formerly Breakroom) Thu-Oct-14 Portland Dante's Fri-Oct-15 Vancouver Red Room Sat-Oct-16 Victoria Lucky Bar Sun-Oct-17 Off Mon-Oct-18 Eugene John Henry's Tue-Oct-19 San Jose The Blank Club Wed-Oct-20 Sacramento (Orangevale) The Boardwalk Thu-Oct-21 Long Beach Alex's Bar (JOSHUA & JOEY TWO DRUMMER BOOGIE HERE TOO) Fri-Oct-22 Santa Barbara Velvet Jones I''m told that he'll be at our nov "All Tomorrows Parties" show at the Queen Mary. Well, thanks for lettin' me get that off my sexy, hairy, muscular, sexy, tan chest. I love you Momma, J. Devil Huge P.S. My mustache is a fuzzy boomerang of love. It's a real tickley town tamer. Thought you'd wanna know...