New York, NY (Top40 Charts/ Sourmouth official website) Sourmouth! The name says it all. But is he really as sour as his lyrics, or are they pure shock value. Surprisingly enough sour mouth says he might be worse then his lyrics. In this exclusive interview we will be talking with Sourmouth about his opinions not only on music, but life in general, and who he really is.
As Sourmouth is playing me his favorite track off his new album "The Mr. Federal LP" he quickly stops it.
Sourmouth: That Right there, you here that, that Angelina Jolie shit, thats the heart of where I'm com in from when i say my music is for the kids of this generation.
Interviewer: What do you mean exactly? The reference makes sense i just think fans need a little more onsite into it.
Sourmouth: Well the line was about Angelina Jolie and how she has been adopting balck children. And its not aimed just at her its all celebrity's these days. She was just the most well known i think. Anyway the message i was trying to get across has been Mis-interpreted. Mutherfuckers think I'm just taken a shot at all those cats cuz its a hot topic, when that was not my intention at all. I just wanted to get the message across that it takes more then just taken a nigga out the hood. Like ya he got cloths on his back and food on the table, but s a whole new struggle you feel me. A struggle in which both me and my parents (adoptive) have recognized and struggled with. Times have changed and I'm all for racial peace and all that but the fact still remains that it is still challenging being black in america, and no matter how cool of a dude brad pitt mite be a lil nigga can't fully look up to him as a role model. Its Ignorant to hide our differences in culture. You know so whats homie gonna do when his lil girl need that weave (laughs) I mean thats just an example and the tip of the ice burg, but u feel what I'm saying
Interviewer: That makes a lot of sense, as a lot of your lyrics speak of race and what role that plays. Now i don't know if it was because of the remix, your talk of race, or your style in general but since the last review you have been compared, and even criticized for copying Eminem. What do you have to say to that?
Sourmouth: Well first off i don't think anyone can be compared to Eminem, he was like the Jackie Robinson of rap. Even if you are just as good, he bridged that racial gap in hip-hop, he was the first one. I mean its like pac he spoke to that generation and those people can relate. If any rapper is even close to eminem i would have to say hopsin. (laugh's)
Interviewer: And As far as style?
Sourmouth: Well The Anger Management Tour feat eminem, xzibit, and ludacris, was the first concert i ever went to in 8th grade. The
Eminem show was the album i would come home and listen to after a bad day at school. So i listened to a lot of eminem growing up. So if his style rubbed off on me i wouldn't be surprised. As far as strait up copying, who ever said that can kick rocks. I talk about my struggles, my childhood, my life. Its all me. Ask anyone i got alibi's for all the shit i write. And to be completely honest if i were to copy any rapper it would probably be mac dre. Even though i don't I'm just sayen if i was a biter i would probably bite Mac Dre. See Em aint even my favorite rapper. I think he's the best rapper ever, but he's not my favorite rapper if that makes any sense.
Interviewer: So you think emi
Sourmouth: Naw, next topic I'm done talking about eminem (laugh's)
Interviewer: Ok So you said you liked Mac Dre alot, how did you come to be a fan?
Sourmouth: (pause) I mean really the first time i thizzed. I always liked his flow, but it wasn't until i popped a wizzle till i was like ok now i get it!
Interviewer: Get What?
Sourmouth: Mac Dre, hyphy, that bay shit, and how its a lifestyle!
Interviewer: So would you consider yourself a hyphy rapper?
Sourmouth: Naw definitely not. I mean i aint from the bay, i aint gone pretend like I'm from the bay. That would just be disrespectful, and i got to much love for the bay to be like that. However it did influence me. All through Highschool ask any mutherfucker at any given party you'd find me join dummy. I remember me and my cuddly gunther jus yokken so hard out the sun-roof of my benz the car went up onto a curb almost fucked this lady's house up.
Interviewer: So you can say you have a little in you.
Sourmouth: Exactly! I only got about 3-4 "bay" tracks if thats what you want to call them, and thats how i feel it should be. There my club tracks, but only represent about 10-15% of my music, in the way that as a person its only about 10-15% of who i am. See theres mad planning behind each track.
Interviewer: You talk about thizz and smoking weed a lot what are, if any other substances you have messed around with?
Sourmouth: Shit I've fucked with yak
Interviewer: Yak?
Sourmouth: Coke (laugh's) my bad, i didn't really like it though probably done no more than 20 lines in my life. Lets see I've fucked with mushrooms a few times, that shits a trip lemme tell you, (laugh's) it was me an this girl and we went to see a movie at the omnimax, you know that hellu big theatre, and we got stuck, the stairs were so steep in that mutherfucker that we kept looked back like it was everest or something.
Interviewer: Do you still do drugs?
Sourmouth: Wull ya again i aint gone lie, i haven't done anything hard since college but i still chief, and drink from time to time.
Interviewer: I know you talk a lot about all the rehabs you went to growing up, is there any part of you that wants to be completely sober?
Sourmouth: No.