ATLANTA, GA. (High Rolla Records/ www.highrolla.net) - Straight out of Atlanta comes rap group Tha CIA. Group members Jai Roc & Diamond K met & formed their group while attending high school in Baltimore, Md. They began performing the talent show circuit and recording demos. Now a polished group with a hyped stage show, Tha CIA is doing promotional dates in support of the album's first single "We Run Dis" (a crunk joint that has the mixtapes buzzing). Anyone that has seen the group live knows that they give 110% energy. R-Story is over one hours worth of the groups' life story."We tackle all types of issues and give it to you from a street perspective" says member Diamond K. CIA members Diamond K & Jai Roc just wrapped roles in the movie "My Bachelor Party" which also stars V-103 radio personality Frank Ski and are also hosts on an upcoming documentary:Streetlife.