NEW YORK (www.idmusik.com) - After many months of fan pressure, Stealing from Alexander has finally put up two songs at idmusik.com. The band, having been cosigned to Big Story Arts Inc. and having shared a sister distribution agent recently completed their contract and have been approached by a considerable number of A and R reps. The fully developed project (writing and vocals) was created by a single frontman and has changed names twice since touring four years ago began in Alberta, Canada. Now based out of Vancouver, The project has remained independent in an effort to find A and R that complements a solo artist. The new songs are up at idmusik.com amoung other websites and the project is awaiting signing before releasing a full length album. Despite never releasing an album, Stealing has encountered some success in the touring circuit. The hope is that momentum will snowball with the release of two new tracks online. They can be found under the artist section of idmusik.com: Stealing from Alexander.