SURREY, UK (Megabucks Records/ www.spitlikethis.com) - SPiT LiKE THiS release their third EP 'Dragged Kicking & Screaming' – their first with the full line-up of Lord Zion (vocalz), Vikki Spit (bass), Stevie Lee (lead guitar), Wank Sinatra (synth, 2nd guitar) and Vile Gilez (drumz). Godfather of the SPiT LiKE THiS UNiVERSE, Lord Zion, speaks: 'For over 18 months now, we have been in possession of one of the greatest rock bands in the UK. When we first started, people thought we were a joke, now it is time to prove everyone wrong! Not only is SPiT LiKE THiS the most visually exciting thing to be happening in music today, we are also an incredibly compentent band, as this release proves... Watch this space!' Zion & Vikki, co-founders of SPiT LiKE THiS, also created the incredibly popular 'Smell Your Mum' brand of offensive clothing specifically to fund SPiT LiKE THiS. In the beginning, they had zero cash and started by selling Vikki's used panties on eBay – they now take out regular ads in 'Kerrang!' and 'Bizarre' magazine!! It is through their clothing webshite located at www.smellyourmum.com that people can securely purchase the new EP for just �2.99 (including P&P). Fans – known as SluTz - can also send cheques/postal orders (payable 'Megabucks Music') to PO Box 373, Horley, RH6 9WU. For more information on the SPiT LiKE THiS UNiVERSE, visit www.spitlikethis.com - 50,000 hits a month and rising!