NEW YORK (www.worldbeatcenter.org) - Peter Tosh, born as Winston Hubert McIntosh, was one of the three original Wailers. He was extremely talented man. He was born in Jamaica, raised by an aunt til he was 15 years old, his aunt died and he moved in with an uncle on West Road in Trench Town. Trench Town was the place where Winston would first meet Robert Marley and Neville Livingston, who would later be known as Bunny Wailey. Winston decided to change his name also. Together, these three individuals, known as the Wailin' Wailers, would change the face of music in Jamaica, and throughout the world. Junior Reid, a namesake of his father, Kingston, Jamaica born singer Delroy ' Junior'. He is a part of a group of singers who cutting edge style challenges musical boundaries and springs from the politically turbulent era of the 1970's. He has a gift for collaboration and the ability to represent his talents in a manner that reaches an audience beyond that of the grassroots reggae aficionado. On September 11, 1987, three intruders murdered Peter Tosh. They came demanding money, which Peter didn't have. Peter Tosh as martyred at the age of 43. When: Friday, September 17, 2004 Time: 8:00 pm Where: WorldBeat Cultural Center Cost: $15 advance/ $20 at door Info: 619-230-1190 or 619-230-1237 www.worldbeatcenter.org Tickets available @: Trade Roots, Reggae World, Dream Crystal, Earth Culture and Ticketweb.com