CHICAGO, IL. (www.tonypisconti.com) - Tony Piscotti, an independent songwriter, guitarist and singer has released his much-anticipated debut CD "Soapbox Parade". The album contains 13 tracks of Soulful and Eclectic Americana built on Tony's evocative poetry, lithe acoustic guitar picking and undeniably infectious grooves. His voice recalls the melodious qualities of 60's and 70's folkies while his songwriting is kin to moderns like Neil Finn, Willy Porter, John Mayer and Duncan Sheik. Tony's first notoriety came as half the nucleus of the much-acclaimed indie band Rain Merchants (featuring film/television star Hedy Burress and Leftover Salmon bassist Greg Garrison) while attending college on the plains of Central Illinois in the early 1990s. Splitting his time between his sideman duties and performing in various acoustic duo combinations allowed Tony to pen a set of intimate, catchy and confident songs that are available on "Soapbox Parade". "I don't necessarily feel that I choose to be an artist the way one chooses a profession," Tony comments. "My propensity for the aesthetic has always been an innate quality of mine for as long as I remember. I think this is the seed of anyone who is born an artist. It isn't really something one chooses - rather it is something that is eventually realized." Tony wants to play up the idea of developing himself as both artist and business savvy person who is more interested in writing and recording well-crafted honest music, developing a strong live show, and creating a respectable following than gaining a degree of fame that is spoon-fed to the public by corporate record labels and radio stations. Brian Bavido, the live sound engineer for Lisa Loeb, Art Garfunkel and currently Dashboard Confessional says: "It's not often you get to work with an artist who not only has great songs, can sing on pitch, and has great guitar tones, but also has the work day all planned out and shows up on time! Tony is an extremely hard-working independent artist." "Soapbox Parade" showcases Tony's unique ability to readily combine such diverse instrumentation as strings, accordion and mandolin along with clever folk and rock arrangements in a way that speaks directly to the listener's soul. The album is available through TonyPiscotti.com For more information, please contact: Tony Piscotti 748 W. Irving Park Rd. #3 Chicago, IL 60613 Phone: (773) 301-3404 Email: [email protected] Web site: https://www.tonypiscotti.com