New York, NY (Top40 Charts/ Jean Lodescar Official Website) J.Scar a.k.a Jean Lodescar, Jr. is an up and coming artist with a message. Born in Brooklyn to Haitian parents and raised in Queens, J.Scar has always used lyrics to tell stories, expose truths, and, most importantly, inspire anyone who will listen. Losing a cousin to the streets at an early age sparked his parent's desire for a better life for Jean, and strengthened their determination to keep him off the streets. Jean's parents kept him close to home at all times and insisted he set an example for his two younger sisters and watch over them at all times. Jean went on to study at Queensborough Community College and then went on to St. John's University.
Although his talent for the microphone began at a young age, he at first only pursued it as a hobby for friends and family, while tirelessly attempting every job out there, from fireman to engineer to Apple's Genius Bar. Along with his passion for music, J.Scar has extensive experience in acting and writing, and has incorporated this into his music by making music videos that bring his songs to life. The story lines along with the hip hop flow are connecting with internet audiences and spreading like wildfire.
J.Scar's video for "Feel Stronger" was featured in a piece on Trayvon
Martin in the NY Daily News. His previous video "Underpaid" was featured on Channel 11 (WPIX ) Morning News, and NY Daily News in January.
"I wrote Feel Stronger for the people who are battling with certain situations that would make them want to give up in life...certain situations that intimidate them in life...certain situations where they feel like there is no hope... As a father to a beautiful son, Trayvon Martin's sad incident hit me hard...Unfortunately situations like Trayvon's happen in life and they are unfair, unjust, and extremely somber and difficult to deal with..I am still having a hard time explaining it to my son who's curiosity is at a natural point at his 4 years of age. As an artist, I feel I have a responsibility for speak to and for the people..So I've tweaked Feel Stronger a bit and dedicated it to Trayvon Martin, his family and to anyone else who is at that breaking point."
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