Washington, D.C. (Top40 Charts/ Larry Pretlow Official Website) Earlier last week the rap song "Problem in Harlem" rubbed Whitney
Houston fans the wrong way and now has reached former DC Mayor Marion Barry for the worst.
22 year-old Larry Pretlow is turning heads and catching ears with the highly-controversial lyrics to his rap song "Problem in Harlem".
Last Friday, Washington City Paper's Shani Hilton wrote, "Uh oh, Marion Barry is a bit upset by a newly leaked "diss track" from Larry Pretlow" (tinyurl.com/7967wvx)
Hilton explained that the song leaked by DMV Pulse is from Pretlow's rap alter-ego, LaPret.
"Problem in Harlem" is about the recent District of Columbia ethics issues currently being faced by the city council and other city officials. According to Washington Times reporter, Tom Howell Jr., it was Councilmember Muriel Bowser that introduced the ethics-reform bill. (tinyurl.com/7blm44n)
The song samples "
Rack City" by the rapper Tyga produced by DJ Mustard.
LaPret's verse mentioning Marion Barry by nickname says:
[Mayor-for-life, they re-elect
And whenever they do that we suffer lack]
LaPret further says:
[On and on and on I can go
About what they write and what you don't know
on and on and on I can go
So call Spike Lee, tell him get me a show
99 problems, how you gon solve them]
LaPret often criticizes Barry for not being truly focused on community issues such as unemployment, education (parental involvement) and public safety, largely impacting the Ward 8 community.
He urges that Barry has an unkind sense of entitlement to the seat, blocking potential new and fresh talent from getting on the ballot. He could possibly be supporting ANC Commissioner
Sandra "S.S." Seegars for the Ward 8 city council seat. (tinyurl.com/7ajvt3p)
Seegars a well-known political fixture is running on the campaign slogan "Incorruptible".
LaPret gained the city's heart when ANC Commissioner Mary Cuthbert addressed him using a racial slur during a heated race for an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner (ANC) seat, making local headlines for weeks. A video of Cuthbert making the slur is on YouTube.
A former President of the
National Youth Rights Association, LaPret has ran for two public offices in the city and despite being defeated he's managed to still garner everyone's attention from what he writes on his Twitter profile to what he says in his rap lyrics.
He's referred to by city residents as being 'outspoken', 'different' and 'strange in a good way'.
On Saturday night, he tweeted from his @LarryPretlow2 Twitter profile:
[Mayor for life, they re-elect and wheneva they do that, WE SUFFER LACK! Don't re-elect @marionbarryjr for we will all die #ward8]
Barry also kicked-off his 2012 re-election campaign for the Ward 8 city council seat at Matthew Memorial Baptist Church in South East, D.C.
For the first time, "Problem in Harlem" has been added to the official LaPret site https://www.LaPret.net
Marion Barry and Larry Pretlow have yet to comment.