DETROIT (Extremekidnapping Website) - The octopus-wearing rap artist known as Mr.Scrillion aka Adam Thick is set to drop his 4th record to date. His new release entitled, "The Pale Hustlini", will hit store shelves in the greater metropolitan Detroit area June 21. The new cd has 10 tracks, one of which features his producer Zhaoski. Thick is perhaps more well known for his other entreprenuerial venture, Extremekidnapping, where clients pay for the thrill of being abducted. His kidnapping adventure service was started in September 2002 and created a lot of controversy here and abroad. Thick made the rounds on all the radio talk shows, his website recieved millions of hits, and he has done numerous televised kidnappings on TV stations local and foreign. Capitalizing on Extremekidnapping's success and looking for the ever fresh angle, Thicks new cd features a special contest. In a very limited first press, a special coupon was inserted into 1 of only 100 cds. The bearer/winner of this coupon will win a 14kt gold Octopus charm, and a chance to ride shotgun on a real kidnapping in Detroit. The contest winner is limited by geography however, only MI residents are eligible for the kidnapping portion of the contest. An out of state winner would still receive the golden octopus charm, just not the kidnapping action portion. "To make it even more interesting, I'm gonna give the winner the choice between riding shotgun on a kidnapping, or being kidnapped by either of my two teams, the Henchman, or the Elite All Girls Kidnapping Team." said Thick. If the winner elects to be kidnapped, they will receive 1 no-frills kidnapping and the golden octo-charm. Thicks cd cover displays him wearing a real octopus, his trademark, and the very lovely model, Rachael Riley. The cd will be in select stores including HotHits and Recordtime and is also available through www.cdstreet.com Url: https://www.cdstreet.com/cgi-bin/artisthome_db.cgi?1238034