CANTON, Mass. (Whitney Houston Fans Website) - Bobby Brown's 90 day jail sentence has been suspended. The judge dismissed the jail time after the R&B singer was able to make up his late support payments owed to Kim Ward, the mother of 2 of his children. A judge required Bobby Brown to appear in court Tuesday to make sure that the singer was in compliance with a previous court ruling in a child-support case. Bobby Brown came to court up to date on his $5,500 per month child support payment for his 14-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter, whom he fathered with former girlfriend Kim Ward, of Stoughton, Mass. He received a reprimand on his efforts because he had been three months behind on the payments until Monday. Brown was jailed in March for failure to pay, and said that he's learned his lesson. "I am working, and that is the best I can do. I can work hard to keep up the payments," Brown said. Ward previously asked Brown to make the children beneficiaries of a life insurance policy. He told the judge that he had been denied life insurance. Ward also asked for a $75,000 education fund for each child. Brown previously agreed, but has still not provided any funding. Ward requested Brown to pay off a $2,600 medical bill for the children. He said that he has money coming in from a new project. "Yes, we are pitching a reality show. So, it's going good. It is going really good. I am looking forward to finishing up. I am shooting the last show here in Boston on Friday and Saturday," Brown said. "Mr. Brown has always been very polite, very respectful, very accommodating and very remorseful about some of the actions that have been taken," Ward's attorney, Linda Medonis, said. The judge initially ordered that Brown appear in court in Massachusetts each month to prove that he is in compliance with the order, but attorneys agreed that he would not have to appear in person.