LOS ANGELES (Top40 Charts/ Wayne Official Website) Rapper Wayne knows what to do with his life; he's got it locked down, he's focused, and his drive is undaunted. But it wasn't like this before.
Although hailing from a good family, complete with financial security and a fearless forecast of a bright future, Wayne strayed from how he was raised. Those great core values and Christian teachings dissipated. His father's advice of 'Just stay on the right track, son' did not stick, and soon, Wayne was getting into trouble. He felt a void in himself that wanted to be filled up, especially by Jesus Christ. For some reason, Wayne couldn't connect with Him. And so, he pushed Him back and thought that maybe one day He'll decide to come out and manifest Himself.
At first, Wayne started to ditch church services and it escalated gravely, finding himself addicted to both drugs and sex. It was all a rush but he knew as he was living it up, he was also dying slowly.
On July 5, 2005, Wayne's life changed drastically. He got into an altercation with a man and wanted to shoot him. Good thing his cousin talked him out of it and he thought, 'I'm grateful that he did, because at that point I had realized that my life had come to a breaking point at which everything was being threatened to be destroyed. It was like I had gotten to the edge of a cliff and was getting ready to jump, but on the night of July 5th it was like God reached down from heaven, grabbed me by my neck, and said, NO. He said that He had never left me, that He loved me and always has, even when I tried my hardest to deny Him'.
Saved and ready to reform, Wayne went straight to making use of his gifts � one of them being rap. Local crews started to notice; he made a couple of tracks, and was shopping for a label to sign him. Wayne's life changed for the better � no more drugs, guns, sex � and there was only one way to do it: 'Even the way that I talk is different. So I figured if I truly live for Christ, I might as well rap about Him. I mean I just want people to know the joy, love, and completion I feel knowing and walking with Jesus. Scratch that I want the whole world to know about Him'.
Wayne has a grand plan: He wants to take his brand of gospel rap to the next level, to MTV or BET � not just to the gospel community. 'Stay on my A game, and conduct myself accordingly'. Before, he only made mix tapes (2005's 'Life Under Oath: The Testimony Volume I' and 2007's 'The Precursor'), now he has released a full-length album titled 'Maturity'. Wayne wants you not just to hear but to listen, and may the gospel of the Lord interpreted in rap music bless you and even make you believe. Whichever you decide, Wayne is hopeful. 'I pray that if I have left nothing else with you, I have left a burning desire in you to want to know God and know Him more. For this is the reason for all and everything I do'.
You can download Wayne's unique gospel rap ministry at iTunes distributed by JMD Records and INgrooves, a partner of Universal Music Group.
Connect with Wayne here:
1 Butternut St.
Jersey City, NJ
Phone number: 201 600 0360
Contact person: Joy
LIKE him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Just-Truth-Ministries/134012241979?sk=wall&filter=12
FOLLOW him on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/waynejtm
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