New York, NY (Top40 Charts/ MacEnterpriseGroup) - Mac Wayne... the undisputed Ray Charles of rap. 100% blind and 100% raw. From the street to the studio this kid's got something that can't be reproduced by anyone else in the game. A gun shot to the head took his sight and in the same instant gave him the ability to see whole songs in his mind (what he calls THISION - Thinking Vision). Wayne is unable to read brail or write anything down on paper, he has to memorize everything as it comes to him. Don't get it twisted though, these are not freestyles, they are something completely different. They are much more evolved than a simple freestyle, Wayne's lyrics are deliberate, complicated and very highly skilled. He has the ability to tell stories that paint a picture so bright that they are hard to forget. Close your eyes and listen to any track you choose and I am certain like the 1000's of people that have already discovered him, you too will be amazed. From near death and after a life changing experience - By the grace of God - Mac Wayne is making an impact on all who see and listen to his performances. Now making thought provoking music. This is an artist with a truly developed voice to the world.