Las Vegas, NV (Top40 Charts/ Megastar Records) - John Gillette is what they call in the entertainment industry 'a triple threat.' He sings, he dances, and he writes songs. His debut dance/hip-hop release has 11 tracks, 10 of which were produced by the production/artist duo DJ Swift and Bruce Waynne of Midi Mafia. 'All Bad' is one of those albums that you can listen to from start to finish and not have to skip over any tracks, which I can't say for many new artists in the media. When John Gillette moved to Hollywood, CA he started teaching hip-hop dance classes. His resume is quite extensive. Some of its highlights are: as a dancer on The Cartoon Network, Disney, J.C. Penny, and Harley Davidson promo commercials to name a few. He choreographed his three music videos for this record: 'Raise the Bar', 'Party of the Year', and 'All Bad'. 'All Bad' and all the hot female dancers in this video can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/m3radioNo p/a/u/0/TaAuHQGF6tQ The songs are very catchy and well written and John is pitch perfect the whole time. This album is full of dance club hits and it's a great first effort. But alas, nothing is perfect. My one gripe is that annoying keyboard melody in the song 'All Bad'. IMAO, it diminishes the song rather than augments it. It's all I can focus on. It's much louder on the clean version (track 2) than it is on the dirty version and in the music video it's completely out of the mix. You should have stuck with that version on the album John. That being said, definitely pick this one up when it hits the streets on November 30, 2010. It is available for pre-order at Amazon.com.