NEW YORK (50 Cent Fans Website) - UK is the only country worlwide which 50 Cent's "P.I.M.P." video was banned by a number of UK television stations. The video for P.I.M.P saw the rapper writhing with a group of topless girls and grabbing another from behind. It has been ruled too raunchy for MTV and the shows CD:UK and Top Of The Pops, which refused to screen it. To get round the ban the three-minute promo was filmed again - at a cost of $400,000 - with the girls wearing their tops. The flagship music channels will now screen it, but only after the 9pm watershed. However, the video is still too much for CD:UK, who were also concerned about the explicit lyrics. P.I.M.P, which also features Snoop Dogg - shows 50 dressed as a pimp and groping three scantily clad girls on a sofa in a mansion. He then moves on to another group of women and is joined by Snoop. A spokesman for MTV said of the video: "We have to adhere to television watchdog regulations, which state we can only show material that is suitable for young viewers. If a video is deemed inappropriate we won't show it, it's as simple as that. The version we will screen will show the women with their tops on and that will only be after 9pm." 50 Cent, who is signed to Eminem's Slim Shady records, kicks off the UK leg of his No Fear No Mercy European tour at Wembley Arena in North London on Thursday. He is also expected to make an appearance at the MOBO awards at the Royal Albert Hall the same evening. P.I.M.P is going to realease in UK market on October 13.