NEW YORK (Top40 Charts) - Kanye West is refuting a story that ran in King magazine that claimed the hip-hop star wanted to shoot bisexual porn. West says the story is false in a post on his blog: "Yoooo why won't you let me be great!!! I had the two greatest days of my life and when I get back...I read some s-t claiming I said I'm down to do porn and some bisexual porn!!!!! Please I beg you, give me a break!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me be great!!!" writes West On his blog also West said 'I couldn't believe' that the story was circulated across the internet. He adds, "That's in poor taste! That undermines what my contribution to that event (Obama's inauguration) was and slaps everybody who felt uplifted by that performance in the face! First people believed the Twitter/ Stephen Colbert thing, Rolling Stone even printed it!!! Now somebody has been hacking into my MySpace and somebody's actually hacked into my personal GMail account and has been e-mailing people from it. ... Hey, world, I no longer have GMail! I found out I had twelve unauthorized Skype accounts under my name!!! This all in the past four days. Welcome to Kanye West World!" he wrote. The story spread through the web like wildfire, but West has stepped in to confirm that the story is false. Writing on his blog, West speaks of his dismay at returning from performing for Barack Obama and launching his Louis Vuitton shoe in Paris, only to find the internet ablaze with these bisexual porn rumors. The rumor began on Tuesday when an anonymous poster launched a thread on AllHipHop.com's online forums with an interview containing what he claimed were quotes from West. AVN, Adult Video News, naturally picked up the juicy item, which led to its massive Web dissemination. In the phony interview, West was quoted as saying he had a "softcore porn" based on his new album, 808s & Heartbreaks, in the works and then launched into his own possible participation in like projects. The 'quote' reads as follows: "YOOOO WHY WON'T YOU LET ME BE GREAT!!! I HAD THE TWO GREATEST DAYS OF MY LIFE AND WHEN I GET BACK FROM THE LOUIE SHOW I READ SOME SHIT CLAIMING I SAID I'M DOWN TO DO PORN AND SOME BISEXUAL PORN!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THE AVN WOULD POST. FIRST PEOPLE BELIEVED THE TWITTER/STEVEN COLBERT THING, ROLLING STONE EVEN PRINTED IT!!!! NOW SOMEBODY HAS BEEN HACKING INTO MY MYSPACE AND SOMEBODY'S ACTUALLY HACKED INTO MY PERSONAL GMAIL ACCOUNT AND HAS BEEN EMAILING PEOPLE FROM IT... HEY WORLD I NO LONGER HAVE A GMAIL! I FOUND OUT I HAD TWELVE UNAUTHORIZED SKYPE ACCOUNTS UNDER MY NAME!!! THIS ALL IN THE PAST FOUR DAYS. WELCOME TO KANYE WEST WORLD! .... IT'S NOT OFFICIAL. I JUST GAVE THE PERFORMANCE OF MY LIFETIME FOR OUR NEW PRESIDENT ... THEN I FLEW TO PARIS AND THEY DEBUTED MY NEW SHOES THAT I DESIGNED WITH LOUIE VUITTON WHICH WAS A DREAM COME TRUE. PLEASE I BEG YOU, GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET ME BE GREAT!!! WHO HAVE I HURT SO BAD THAT THEY WANT TO DESTROY ME? WHO HAVE I EVER SPOKE ABOUT SO NEGATIVELY? I JUST WAS SPEAKING WITH OUR NEW PRESIDENT TWO DAYS AGO... AND NOW THIS.... SIDEBAR... NEVER TAKE A PICTURE FROM MY OBAMA PERFORMANCE AND PUT IT NEXT TO A BS QUOTE LIKE THAT! THAT'S IN POOR TASTE! THAT UNDERMINES WHAT MY CONTRIBUTION TO THAT EVENT WAS AND SLAPS EVERYBODY WHO FELT UPLIFTED BY THAT PERFORMANCE IN THE FACE! A PICTURE SAYS A THOUSAND WORDS... LOOK HOW FRESH MY SUIT IS... NUFF SAID!"