Rodeo, CA. (Top40 Charts/ Oktayne Official Website) - "Oktayne's Self-Explanations Gives Listeners an Journey Through The Self Within Oktayne's Personality." The introduction of the album was completed last month when Oktayne piled up several interviews across the net. Oktayne knows that the music industry is basically all over net. The mainstream world is over saturated with too many similar sounds. Major labels like to instill the idea by forcing the masses to listen to their so-called moneymakers. The regions little by little will enjoy the finally released Self-Explanations no matter the circumstances Oktayne's life is full of stress and difficulty as a rapper. The industry has switched up on everybody including the loyal fans. The loyal fans that like good music can't even rely on major artist these days. The major mainstream world is full of stupid gimmicks, and many artist cannot be diverse even if their life depended on it. The constant lifestyle of rapper is not what it seems. Oktayne as a man first and then rapper will not hold back on Self-Explanations. The mastering process was a success according to 17-Hertz Studio engineer Sam Gamble and Oktayne. The album has a hit single with a singer from Junction City, Kansas by the name of Mardell Maxwell. Over the last few months the album Self-Explanations was introduced to many hip-hop sites. In interviews at raptalk.net and hiphoplead.com he was asked about his feelings of hip-hop and the status of his project. The statements he gave were "It's going alright just networking locally and regionally, the album is almost out. The album is going to be crazy, it will sound nice thanks to the hard workers at 17 Hertz Studio." "It's a lot different from where it was five years ago. We got too many gimmick artists being exposed to the fans. It's crazy how lyrics got dumbed down so much that the amount of real artist in mainstream has decreased. It's like the wack artist get more attention because they know how to market their music. Now everything is basically net oriented. People are on myspace, facebook, and many other social sites to promote their music."