LOS ANGELES (Five For Fighting Fans Website) - Five For Fighting will soon enter the studio to record the follow-up to its 2000 release, America Town, featuring the single, "Superman (It's Not Easy)." Group mastermind John Ondrasik said that he hopes the next album will have more of a collaborative feel. "I think it's gonna be a little more groovy. You know, the last record was basically me sitting by myself with an acoustic guitar or sitting at a piano. It was very singer-songwriter. And even though, you know, obviously songs, and my singing will be a big element of any record I do, it's much more of a band record. I'm making this record with a band and not a bunch of hired guys or session guys." Ondrasik is currently searching for producers, but is not divulging his wish list. "I'd have to kill you," he jokes. He adds: "We're lucky that there's some people interested and probably in the next few weeks or so we'll have that locked down. Let me just tell you this: the people that are interested I'm very excited about and I think when it finally comes down I think you guys will be excited too." Ondrasik hopes the album will be out next spring.