ATLANTA, Georgia (Bobby Brown Fans Website) - Yesterday, singer Bobby Brown went to court with his wife, Whitney Houston. Brown was there to convince the judge to drop traffic charges against him that dated back to 1996. Instead of dismissing the charges, the judge ordered the singer to face a January 21st trial by jury. The six-year-old charges crept up on Brown when he was picked up in Atlanta earlier this month and charged with speeding and possession of marijuana. Whitney and Bobby held hands throughout the proceedings and spoke to each other in hushed tones while a courtroom full of fans watched. Brown, who had less than an ounce of pot on him when he was arrested, remains free on $10,000 USD bond. Bobby and Whitney's next appearance together will be sitting across from Diane Sawyer for a chat on 20/20 which will air next month. The interview was taped in Atlanta the day after Brown's most recent arrest and was meant to hype Whitney's upcoming release, "Just Whitney."