Texas (Vallejomusic.com) - Vallejo, lead singer and guitarist for the rock band Vallejo literally “busted his butt” for the sake of art late last week at a gig at Lucy’s On the
Square in San Marcos, TX. Halfway through the band’s set, A.J. climbed on a speaker and lost his footing, causing him to fall onto a monitor littered with leftover glasses and beer bottles from the crowd.
Landing on his “bottom”, shattering the glass, the seemingly unscathed A.J. got up and shrugged it off, barely missing a beat. Adrenaline flowing heavily, A.J. did his “signature” climb onto the rafters above the stage, sending the packed house into a mad frenzy. He sensed something amiss when he noticed, splattered on the audience and the stage below him, was a considerable amount of what looked to be blood – and it was coming from him.
The band and the fans urged him to stop, insisting they end the show immediately. “No way,” said A.J., determined to finish out the set. Finally, during the encore, the venue, legally obligated to adhere to the midnight curfew of the city ordinance, ended the performance.
Immediately following, A.J. was treated at South Austin Hospital Emergency Ward for cuts and bruises, requiring several stitches. Remarkably, the band, and a very sore A.J. Vallejo, performed just hours later at a KLBJ Free Lunchtime Concert at Musicmakers in Austin, and then again later that night for a CD Release Party/Performance at Antone’s in Austin.
As the saying goes… “The show must go on!”
Vallejo is scheduled to Tour Texas and surrounding areas through December to promote their latest release.
Upcoming Vallejo tour dates include:
Thu 21 Ft. Worth – Aardvark
Fri 22 Little Rock – Juanita’s
Sat 23 Wichita Falls – Iron Horse
Fri 29 Beaumont – Antone’s
Sat 30 Houston – Satellite Lounge w/Ultrasonic
Thu 5 San Marcos – Lucy’s w/Ultrasonic
Sat 7 Pflugerville – Hanover’s
Fri 13 San Antonio – The Rox
Sat 14 Temple - TBA
Fri 27 Corpus Christi – Dr. Rockits
Tue 31 Austin – Steamboat (New Year’s Eve)