LONDON, UK (Travisonline Official Website) - Travis drummer Neil Primrose is recovering nicely from his surgery on Thursday (July 11) to repair an injury to his vertebrae after diving into the shallow end of a swimming pool. The band posted this update on travisonline.com on Friday (July 12): "We are pleased to report that yesterday's surgery was completed successfully and the doctors and staff involved are very happy with Neil's progress. The operation has confirmed that Neil sustained multiple fractures to his upper vertebrae which surgery has now stabilized. His continuing good progress should mean Neil and wife Esther will return to the U.K. shortly. In the meantime band members are making the trip to France to see him and are armed with printouts of all the messages for Neil posted to Travisonline. Neil would like to thank all the fans that have written over the last few days with their support, and once again voice his gratitude to the doctors and staff involved with his treatment." Primrose sustained the injury on July 7 and was operated on in Belfort, France, forcing the cancellation of the band's remaining European tour dates.