Kelly Fans Website / WGCI Fm) - Singer R
Kelly - who is charged with 21 counts of producing child pornography - has recorded a song about his court battle and released it exclusively to his local radio station.
The US R&B star - released on $750,000 (�513,500) bail after his arrest on 5 June - arranged for Chicago-based station WGCI-FM to receive an advance copy of Heaven, I Need A Hug.
The singer, who lives in Chicago, has denied the charges against him and the lyrics to the song attack his critics and express his wish to regain his fans' support.
WGCI-FM said the song had become one of the station's most requested songs.
In Heaven, I Need A Hug, Kelly sings: "I've given 13 years of my life to this industry. Hit song or not, I've given all of me. "You smile in my face and tell me you love me. But then before you know the truth you're so quick to judge me."
Kelly is accused of appearing in a video showing him having sex with an underage girl. The video has been widely distributed in the US and over the internet. Kelly says he is not the man on the 26-minute tape.
His defence lawyer, Edward Genson, says he will prove that the woman on the tape was not younger than 18.
One of Chicago's top music stations has dropped Mr Kelly's music from its playlist. A survey of local residents showed that 56% of people thought all radio stations should do the same.
Marv Dyson, WGCI's president and general manager, has been outspoken in his support for Kelly, who is best known for the Grammy award-winning song I Believe I Can Fly. And he said he would keep playing Kelly's music until he his case was heard in court.
At his bail hearing in Florida, the R&B star was ordered to avoid contact with children he is not related to and to check in with police once a week.
Kelly, whose first name is Robert, could face up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000 (�68,500).
He has been hit with a string of legal cases from women who say the star had sex with them when they were below the legal age of consent.