Atlanta, GA (Top40 Charts/ Smoove Entertainment) - The new single "Get Started" has not only brought the two intricate genres together, but has also formed a sultry musical composition so intimate, so surreal, that even the harshest critics were captivated into a moment of blissful thinking. "Rayedan's and Katie's vocal interactions are so vivid that it gives a visual of the two in this sultry, hot club with every seductive movement bringing them closer and closer to this passionate conclusion, it's as if they were actually there." The collaboration of these two multi-award winning artist can only be compared to that fuzzy feeling you have inside when you can't explain when, why or how it happened, but you just know it was meant to be. Rayedan breaths life into a genre of music that has been stagnant with the new age thinking of creating the "next" instead of the "new". Hip hop has continuously flourished over its span of existence, but has recently lacked the creativity. The diverse raw talent and newness that not only manifested a new genre of music, but brought a intriguing new lifestyle. This new way of expression that was definitely unfamiliar to the rest of the world. Rayedans's wittingly smooth voice and artistic outburst takes you back to the good old days. He brings something that mainstream hip hop has been starving nearly a decade for, originality. The days back when artists were praised for their creativity, not familiarity. Then along comes "The dynamo from down-under", Katie Michaelson. The guitar totting Aussie popstar shines like a radiant light. This new dimension of warmth invades the cold, distant valley that we cautiously call the "music industry". This brilliant songstress with her angelic voice melts the hearts of everyone within a listening radius. It brings back old camp fire memories. Her aurora likens to that toasty marshmallow dangling over the fire at the end of a wooden stick. If you are caught listening too long, you'll find yourself a gooey mess. With the fusion of these two extraordinary artist, the old saying "we can make beautiful music together" comes to mind. It's as simple as Sir Isaac Newtons' theory of gravity, "what goes up must come down". When you combine two exceptional musical talents, top notch producers take notice. Garnishing remixes from the worlds' best producers including Australia's' award winning producer Israel. This is absolutely a recipe for success. So where do we find ourselves? At the cross road of greatness and excellence. Two artist, one masterpiece that millions can enjoy! So lets "Get Started" with mans' next step into a musical utopia.