Richmond, Virginia (Jarrard Anthony Official Website/ www.jarrardanthony.com) - JAP
Music and Entertainment Group will unleash Jarrard Anthony's new project to the unsuspecting world on October 31, 2006. S.ynergistic E.nergy X.change (S.E.X.) is the latest in the evolution of this veteran performer. With the creation of S.E.X., Jarrard Anthony has set into motion a movement destined to carve him a spot in history.
After the release of his second LP 'Don't Sleep Just Dream', Jarrard immediately began conceptualization of the next one. No stranger to the demands of the industry for consistency, he envisioned another R&B project. However, keeping himself open to the limitless musical possibilities and a personal quest for excellence, he was led to meet producer Stico Von Drake of Buck Buck Productions. The chemistry between the two ignited the fuel, which fans the flames of the album. Initially, they planned one collaborative song, which grew into two, and then three and ultimately an album of mega proportions.
Electro-Soul is how Jarrard describes the music. In his words, it is a Beck meets Black Street. The album crosses genres. One reviewer likened it to the legendary Sting with the opening cut ' Dream With Me '. Others have said, 'This album takes me on the journey with Jarrard as if it were my own.'
Jenise Brown, spokesperson for JAP Music and Entertainment Group said,, 'We did not have any expectations when Jarrard began this journey except that he would produce another successful project surpassing DSJD. The making of this record was a total leap of faith on everyone's part.
The organic nature of its manifestation is phenomenal and the magnitude of it has yet to be realized.'
The album is only the beginning. There is a movement attached to the music with its purpose being the 'Elevation of the Human Experience'. It filters into all arenas of expressing ones gifts. More about The S.E.X. Movement is still to come.
Until then, look out for Jarrard Anthony's new project. S.ynergistic E.nergy, X.change, October 31. If you are in the Richmond, VA area you can find it in BK Music, Plan 9 Records and Chamberlayne Videos. Proud supporters of Indie artists.
If you are online, it can be ordered from
It will also be available as a download on ITunes as well as directly from...