DENVER, CO. (Heavy Bounce Productions) - "Creapin In Creepin Out", the long-awaited Halloween song from Bhudda Bounce is finally available from Heavy Bounce Productions. The Denver-based rapper, best known for his first hit, "The Eminem Curse", said, "I won't do surgery. It's all mental. I had great things happening and got scared of the success. My childhood was harsh and sometimes the low self-esteem just kicks in." His mouth healed from an accident that put him on a no-talking prescription for a month and a half. "It couldn't have been worse timing. I busted my jaw right before we were dropping vocals in the studio, a big show and the song's October release." Because of the delay, the company is giving away the single for free online during the entire month of October in digital format only. Bhudda recorded the highly-anticipated track at Colorado Sound where other music greats with gold and platinum albums have laid their vocals in the digital cement. Maybe the recording gods will smile upon him too. The song's been over a year in the making. There were over thirty-five versions. Even on the day of recording, changes were being made. "We wanted more groove in it, so we added the 'Shake It Down' to the chorus." Early reactions to the rough mix have been dynamite. One woman who works for a large entertainment firm said, "I must tell you that you had 5 ladies dancing (in the office) and ready for the moment you create your video." Apparently, they liked it so much; they played it five times in a row before the boss squashed their bumpin pumpkin party. The Halloween release party, Bhudda Bounce's Boogey Bash, will be on October 31, 2006 at Jazz @ Jack's (https://www.jazzatjacks.com) in downtown Denver.