Los Angeles, CA (AVANT GARDE A CLUE/ www.johnnyrome.com) - Ignoring the traditional battle between free and paid, John Romano's new CD 'Evolution' is available free starting today, exclusively at www.johnnyrome.com/music.html. 'The reality of the new record business is the mp3, in most cases, is a free product whether we like it or not. In our view we want as many John Romano songs on ipods and Zune players as possible; if making the mp3's free helps that then we are all for it,' said
Avant Garde A Clue, Inc. vice president
Laura Glendinning. Mr. Romano himself relates, 'I'm operating in an uber-competitive market as an independent artist on a small label. I have no qualms with them giving the album away. It's quite a good CD and I encourage everyone to grab a copy.'
Mp3's and file sharing have changed the face of the modern record business. Major record companies, while at first fighting the trend, have now embraced it fully; Apple's itunes service and ipod player have facilitated a revolution in how music is sold and listened to.
The album, recorded over a one month period this summer, reflects a maturation in Mr. Romano's music. 'The first album was much more stylized. �Evolution' is a much more direct, in-your-face and rhythmic album,' Mr. Romano said. Produced by Canadian upstart Brian Irwin, (Jaime Paxton, Astra Heights, Ty Stone) and written entirely by Mr. Romano, 'Evolution' is a special album indeed. John Romano's music has been compared to Beck, Lou Reed, David Gray, Jack Johnson and, occasionally, early David Bowie.
Mr. Romano started his career in music a week after the 9/11 tragedy and has been building a robust fan base ever since in New York and Los Angeles. His last single, 'Green Girl,' peaked at No 21 on FMQB's Adult Alternative chart. 'Evolution' can be downloaded free at www.johnnyrome.com/music.html and his record label Avant Garde a Clue, Inc. can be contacted at www.avantgardeaclue.com.