ATLANTA, GA. (4IZE.COM) - 4-IZE has been slated to be the opening act for Ludacris? promotional tour. Tour route and details will be on www.4IZE.com in the 'Tour' section. 4-IZE has also officially launched www.4IZE.com as of 9/18/06, where the latest and the greatest information can be found from 4-IZE, which includes news, tour dates, music, press, and 4-IZE's Music Store (www.4IZE.com/shop). Below is an exclusive track from Ludacris, 4-IZE, and Lil Fate. Exclusive Track Featuring: Ludacris, 4-IZE, and Lil Fate https://www.soularsausage.com//mp3files/Luda4IZELilfate_LeanRemix.mp3 4-IZE's debut album, "Fantastik 4-IZE", is coming in 2007.