Atlanta, GA (DoughShop Media & Public Relations) - The shocking truth is finally out, and it's being aired in the all-seeing public eye of the internet. Lucy Diamonds talks for the first time on film about what really happened with her and Jay-Z, 50 Cent, Lady Sovereign, Amil, Miss Info, Michael Jackson, Game, Oprah and such news sites as MTV, The
National Examiner, sohh.com, mediatakeout.com and others, in this outrageous controversial video interview released by her camp.
This controversial interview/video can be viewed at the following three websites:
1) www.myspace.com/officiallucydiamonds.com
2) https://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1182540719
3) www.lucydiamondsonline.com
After seemingly endless rumors, misquoted comments, and tabloid gossip, Diamonds has decided to put an end to the newsstand fodder and air a video interview that tells the public exactly what happened, directly from her.
'I don't care to ever do another interview again,' says Lucy Diamonds, 'And I'm doing this so that my interviews can never be misconstrued and manipulated into sick smear campaigns that gossip magazines, websites and all the irresponsible journalists love to feed off.'
Diamonds claims to be a victim of a blacklisting campaign by some music industry insiders, label heads, and even some celebrities. 'Jay-Z is really upset with me, and certain events seem to happen, or not happen for that matter, a little too often for coincidence. He's blocked certain projects and collaborations, and it has cost me a significant amount of lost income.' Her whole story with Jay-Z is really brought to the forefront in this video.
Select songs from her upcoming album titled, 'Poor Dream Redemption' has been made available on her myspace page, www.myspace.com/officiallucydiamonds and the public response has been staggering. Lucy Diamonds says she will be leaking music, videos, video interviews, PETA rally information and other info throughout the rest of the year leading up to her first quarter (CD & DVD) release in 2007. 'Everything is about finished as far as music and videos are concerned,' comments Diamonds, 'I'm about to take a break, but I'll still communicate with my fans regularly through myspace, email or phone. Yes, phone. 404-840-0245.'