Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Michael Scheel) - With the launch of the second version of www.hiphop-battles.com on September 1st, a third battle arena for graffiti graphic battles was introduced to the website, next to the older arenas for rap and beatbox audio battles. The graffiti arena was a response to the high demand in the hip-hop and graffiti scene, which currently lacks legal ways for competing art skills with graffiti writers from all over the world. Hiphop-battles.com provides hip-hop fans and artists with free access to over 15,000 legal hip-hop mp3s and a way to vote in ongoing battles in a democratic voting system. The ranking system tells the visitor about 'who is hot and who is not' and orients new users, to find the most interesting battles. In its second version, www.hiphop-battles.com also received a total makeover, and shines with a brand new design. Switching to another interface language or to another arena got much easier, and can now be controlled from everywhere on the website. With the rap, beatbox and the new graffiti battle arena, www.hiphop-battles.com now combines three important elements of hip-hop, and strengthens its position as leading hip-hop battle website. For more information about the relaunch of hiphop-battles.com or the new online graffiti battle feature, please visit www.hiphop-battles.com/press/, or contact Michael Scheel.