(SPATE COMMUNICATIONS) - Rap artist Khia is back! After years of touring off of her smash hit "My neck and my back," she has a new album called "Gangstress." She sat down with SPATE magazine to tell them about her time away from the spotlight and her plans for the future. I'm working with Janet Jackson on her new album. I actually have the second single off of her new album. The song is called 'So Excited.' She was a pleasure to work with and her personality is really cool. "I recently stopped touring and I had to record the album also," says Khia. "I'm working with Janet Jackson on her new album. I actually have the second single off of her new album. The song is called 'So Excited.' She was a pleasure to work with and her personality is really cool." Khia's album is in stores now on Warlock records. Khia wrote and produced the album. She and only a engineer sat in the studio. If you recall her first album sold 800,000 copies independently. Her website is www.khiagangstress.com and www.myspace.com/khia. SPATE magazine is a new publication that wants to help its readers grow in spirit and politically. "Our magazine is a SPATE of information such as music, fashion, politics, and spirit. We have hip hop music, rock music, pop and everything else. We also have a article on Dashboard Confessional in our June issue. Thus the name SPATE magazine. We want to motivate people to get more involved in the community and also be a source for current entertainment. We have editorials on meditation and reaching your career goals. Giving the message to our readers that education is where it's at. Our young people today are very rebellious and we have to show them that it's ok, but get some education in there also. People will be people, we are not here to judge anyone but we want to give them this valuable information anyway. We are excited to have Khia on the cover. She is the perfect role model for our youth. Using her mugshots on her new album is a statement. She is telling our youth that she came from ghetto to become a successful artist that is making records with Janet Jackson. We have a lot of great interviews coming up and we are gonna host a lot of events," says editor Rondell Maddox.