ATLANTA, GA (The Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation) - The Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation (TASF) is proud to once again present "Shoulders of Giants," a show based on works from Tupac's "The Rose That Grew From Concrete," Saturday, July 29 at 7:00 PM, at Georgia
State University's Rialto Center for Performing Arts in Atlanta. The eighth-annual show serves as a reminder of the impact the camp has on its 12-18 year-old attendants, all of whom have been touched and inspired by the camp's namesake's legacy.
The TASF Camp was the brainchild of Tupac's mother, Ms. Afeni Shakur, who saw the impact of performing arts on her son and has made it her mission to give back some of that creativity and confidence to students in the TASF program.
The TASF Performing Arts Camp strives to enhance the various creative talents of its young students while at the same time helping them learn tools for living a successful, enriched life. Skills emphasized include everything from discipline and goal setting to teamwork, self-expression and volunteering. Graduates of the camp have often returned to work there, offering their services and experience to new students.
The camp's students are also responsible for the one-of-a-kind performance pieces in "Shoulders of Giants," which uses material from "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" as the basis for the students' pieces, which encompass art forms as varied as poetry and dance.
Over the years, TASF Camp students have performed at venues as varied as the Source Awards Community Service Awards in Miami, the Georgia State Conference of NAACP Freedom Fund Gala and on television on "Good Day Atlanta."
This special performance of "Shoulders of Giants" is open to the public, with tickets available at the TASCA Visitor Center at 5616 Memorial Drive, Stone Mtn, GA. Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for students under 18 and Senior Citizens. Proceeds from the play will go towards the continued development of the Tupac Amaru Shakur Center for the Arts.