LOS ANGELES, CA. (Luck Media & Marketing, Inc.) -Watch out, America! The Apostle Paul of hip-hop, legendary rap pioneer Kurtis Blow, is back to his old groundbreaking ways - and he wants to make the youth of
America true believers.
As the host, DJ, MC and worship leader of "Hip Hop Church America," his mission is to make the worship experience exciting for parishioners of all ages!
"Hip Hop Church America," based on a weekly service Blow has been hosting and MC'ing for several years at Hood Memorial Church in Harlem, is a new weekly series currently being developed by the growing television division of the Newport Beach, CA based The Machine Productions, a multi-media entertainment company which is producing positive audio and visual entertainment to a diverse, international consumer group. TMP is committed to wholesome entertainment and firmly believes that quality entertainment can be realized without compromising commercial appeal.
The show is aimed directly at the MTV generation but extending its appeal to parents and grandparents whose passion for God seeks an explosive new outlet, the show blends rhythm, song and praise into 60 minutes of clapalong inspiration. Michael Reynolds, CEO and co-founder of TMP, says, "We see an exciting opportunity to minister God's Word to those disenfranchised kids who may only hear it when it is presented within the music of hip hop."
Michael Nason, The Machine Productions President and Co-Founder, brings a unique expertise to his hands-on role as one of "Hip Hop Church America's" Executive Producers. For close to 30 years, he produced, promoted and bought airtime for Robert Schuller's renowned "Hour of Power" show, broadcast to millions weekly from the world famous Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.
"I'm thrilled to be part of this new cutting edge cultural phenomenon called Hip Hop church," he says. "Unlike anything on television, this program will, in a positive way, reach the hearts and souls of America's young people."
"Hip Hop Church America" begins with a lively processional down the aisle, featuring hip hop music and breakdancing, then a youthful and exuberant choir joins in, performing behind a new guest artist each week.