PALO ALTO, CA (Imeem/ www.imeem.com) - imeem, a revolutionary new social media site, has teamed with Virgin Records to create the first ever concert tour video blog for viewing on the Internet. The video tour blog, hosted at imeem.com, follows Brooklyn's We Are Scientists, during their tour with the
Arctic Monkeys May 26th through June 17th. Rock fans and
Internet users can go to https://wearescientists.imeem.com to follow the band as they travel across the country on their summer concert tour. imeem uses photo and video blogging, in combination with social networking, to give fans an up-close, behind the scenes look at the band on tour and let fans share their experiences and content with each other.
imeem's rich photo and video blogging features are enabling We Are Scientists band members to post blog commentary, photos and videos from live shows and tour stops to share with their fans. "The unblogged life is scarcely worth living - a blunted, petty little thing, that much we know," Chris Cain, We Are Scientists bass guitarist explains, "Let us live life to the hilt, I say! Let us blog this tour, and blog it daily!"
"How do you allow the coolest band on the planet to create an Internet sensation that is timely compelling and viral enough to make the CDC nervous?" asks Syd Schwartz, VP of New Media, Virgin Records, "The answer is easy...imeem."
imeem's next-generation social media service lets music fans remain close to the action through the eyes of their favorite bands. "I'm a big fan of We Are Scientists," says imeem cofounder, Dalton Caldwell, "Video blogging this tour will revolutionize how they can connect with all their fans." In addition to getting a behind the scenes look into the tour, fans are able to post their own blogs about the band and easily share their own concert footage with friends. Fans also get the chance to participate in an exclusive online contest where the prize is seeing the band live in New York City.
imeem's innovative social media network is devoted to providing the Internet user community with the power to share candid photos, audio, videos and commentary with friends and fans. Most recently, imeem has brought community social media to the E3, Coachella and South By Southwest festivals.