LAS VEGAS, NV. (Beacher's Rockhouse) - Band members of Tiny KISS give theboot to drummer Tim Loomis.
Tiny KISS has been the number one Little Person KISS tribute band, since they came on the scene. The band, composed of three midgets, and a 350 pound woman, is the newest addition to Beacher's Rockhouse at the Imperial Palace Hotel & Casino in July of 2006. After signing a reported 1.5 million dollar contract for two years at the Strip location the band has hit the press junket with a bang. After appearances on national broadcasts such as VH1's Best Week Ever, Tucker Carlson, and Jimmy Kimmel the band has been on a proverbial "tilt-o-wheel."
Tiny KISS was on its way to Chicago to film a segment for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. When being interviewed by Daily Show producers Loomis started to get weak in front of the camera, agreeing to makeup with MiniKiss front-man Joey Fatale. Rumors were circulating around the Little Person community that Loomis had this all planned. His statements were extremely timid and self-centered. Tiny KISS had a meeting (without Loomis) and came to a decision that they're not run by one person and they were insistent on tossing Loomis out of the band. The episode of The Daily Show on Comedy Central will premiere Thursday, May 11th at 11:00PM.
When several of the members of Tiny KISS were interviewed there was an obvious underlining annoyances with Loomis. Wee Matt commented, "Tim got soft, He was acting like a midget ... He's just another generic dude." The grand respect this band once had for their leader had dwarfed into nothing. Guitarist Shorty Rossi stated, "We can't have a leader who is going to befriend our enemy," a retort to Loomis' cowardly responses while being interviewed for The Daily Show. Loomis' actions let a lot of people down, especially Jeff Beacher, Creator/Host of Beacher's Madhouse & Beacher's Rockhouse, the venues where the band performs nightly. When asked for comment Beacher offered the following, "the situation is hard, Loomis was like a brother to me," he then became extremely emotional and admitted that he "actually cried the night he heard that Little Tim was a Little Benedict Arnold."
On the opening day at Rehab, a weekly pool-party hosted by the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, there was reportedly a scene between Big Beth Mara, and former drummer Loomis. When Beth spotted Tim at the party she became enraged and her only comment was "I'm so hungry, I wish I could eat him."
Tiny KISS will be holding an Audition to replace Little Tim Loomis on Wednesday June 14th 2006 from 5:00pm - 9:00pm at The Joint, located inside the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. You will be able to see the new Tiny KISS perform nightly beginning July 1st inside Beacher's Rockhouse at the Imperial Palace Hotel & Casino. Visit Tiny KISS on their website at https://www.tinylegends.com, or to purchase tickets for Tiny KISS live at Beacher's Rockhouse go to https://www.vegas.com