NEW YORK (Sammy Hagar Official Website) -
Sammy Hagar and his former bassplaying bandmate in Van Halen, Michael Anthony, have joined forces with
Journey guitarist Neil Schon and drummer Deen Castronovo and recorded a track titled "
Vertigo" which may be included in the "Spider-Man" soundtrack and movie, an executive close to the project said.
The yet-to-be-named band submitted the song for cinematic consideration at the request of John Kalodner, the senior vice president of A&R at Columbia Records, the source said. The soundtrack is scheduled for release on May 3. "Vertigo" is one of two songs the band has recorded so far, with the second being "Peeping Through a Hole."
The quartet was initially going to be a quintet with ex-Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash, but when the bandmembers entered the studio last week to record, he was unable to join them. Demos of the two completed tunes will be delivered to Slash's manager on Monday, and if the ex-Gunner is inspired, he'll join the old-timers to record a guitar part for "Vertigo" and maybe work on additional material with the band, the source said.
On his official Web site, Hagar described the group as sounding like a cross between Van Halen, Led Zeppelin and Tool. Hagar previously worked with Schon in the band HSAS, who released the album Through the Fire in 1984.
The executive stressed that Hagar's involvement with Anthony shouldn't be interpreted as either the end of Van Halen or the beginning of reconciliation between Hagar and his former band. Last month, Van Halen parted ways with Warner Bros. Records, ending a 23-year-long relationship with the label