Sydney, AU (Sony BMG Music Entertainment) - When they were in Melbourne earlier this year, Franz Ferdinand spent 14 hours in St Kilda's Hothouse Studios laying down some new tracks including 'L. Wells', 'Jeremy Fraser' and 'Swallow Smile'. The first two will appear on 'The Fallen' single to be released in the UK, while the latter is set to be a freebie for members of an upcoming Franz fanclub... 'Swallow Smile' is an older track that was played at early Franz shows, but has never actually been recorded - until now. The Independent reports that it will be the first single given to fans who join Franz Ferdinand's forthcoming fanclub, which was the idea of a Franz fan site founder. "He was talking about an old-school fanclub rather than an internet one," Alex Kapranos told The Independent. "We liked that idea." Another idea the Franz guys are fond of the double A-side, which is why they've chosen to release 'The Fallen' and 'L. Wells' as a double A-side single in the UK. 'Jeremy Fraser' sits as a b-side on the release. "Lynsey [Wells] is a girl we know from Glasgow. She's amazing, one of those people who can always put you in a good mood," explains Alex. "There's something very whimsical about her, living her life like she's a character in a film. The song started when I was thinking about her red hair blowing in the winter wind." "We've always loved the idea of double A sided singles. They're extra special and nobody really does them any more. It should really be a quintuple A-side. 'Jeremy Fraser' is a little sinister and dreamy with a great vocal from Nick."