Salt Lake City, Utah (Simple People) - What do a $150.00 bar of soap, a time machine, and the world's largest french fry have in common? They have all been purchased on eBay. Now you can bid to bring the acoustic rock band Simple People to your home to perform a personal concert in the comfort of your own living room - and it's all for charity. Simple People listed the 10-day eBay auction entitled 'Win a SIMPLE PEOPLE concert at YOUR HOUSE for CHARITY' on March 8, 2006. According to the listing, the band will travel anywhere in the United States to perform a concert at the home of the winning bidder with all of the auction proceeds (after travel and listing expenses) going to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Bassist Mark Adkins explains why the band chose to support the fight against multiple sclerosis: 'It's an issue that hits close to home for some of us. A couple of us have friends or family members who are battling MS right now, so we're very aware of how debilitating this disease can be. We figured an eBay auction would be a fun way to raise some money to fight MS and call attention to the disease.' According to guitarist/vocalist Dan Cutler, the band is going to great lengths to make the auction fun and entertaining. 'We're going to be adding some crazy things to the auction each day, along with a few mystery prizes and some very amusing photos and bios of band members that we probably shouldn't be sharing with the whole world. Basically, we're willing to humiliate ourselves for a good cause,' he jokes. The goal of the auction is to raise $10,000 for MS research and education, and the band members think they can pull it off. 'Somewhere out there, there is someone who is willing to bid $10,000 or more,' says guitarist/vocalist Tom Hurtado. 'We'll drive all the way from Utah to Maine if that's what it takes.' Those interested in bidding can view the action at https://cgi.ebay.com/win-a-SIMPLE-PEOPLE-concert-at-YOUR-HOUSE-for-CHARITY_W0QQitemZ5674033011QQcategoryZ1467QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem.