PHOENIX, AZ. (D & D Entertainment) - D & D Gospel Entertainment presents the '2006 Gospel Extravaganza' Indian School Steele Park 12 noon to 6pm 3rd Street Indian School Rd. (Phoenix, Arizona)
This event is unique in its purpose to benefit and to kick off our scholarship program and some of the proceeds will go towards helping a homeless family with shelter assi stance, clothing, toys and food.
The '2006 Gospel Extravaganza,' will display a host of multicultural, artist gifts/talents, games, fun and food for the entire family.
We are 'Use the gifts that God has giving us to come together to lift and build up the kingdom of God and his people,' while encouraging and bringing hope to people of all nationalities by supporting one another with love, unity and a positive atmosphere for the whole family.
Just to name a few, there will be artists there like:
J Moss
Vanessa Williams
3 - Step
All Spaces are Limited for:
Vendors Fee $ 100.00 Artists Fee for 3 or less members $25.00 Artists Fee for 4 or more members $50.00
'Keeping You In The Know' Magazine
(color) (black and white) Full Page $400.00 $350.00
Half Page $250.00 $200.00
Quarter Page $150.00 $100.00
Inside Cover $3,000.00 $2,500.00
Inside Back Cover $2,000.00 $1,500.00
Back Cover $4,000.00 $3,500.00
ThreeLiners black and white listing only: $75.00
All ads must be submitted on a CD to publisher and sent to: Diane Sefton 2175 West Southern Avenue No 92 Apache Junction AZ 85220-7322
Ads need to be in .jpg; .tiff or as a .pdf document and in full color. Include on cover sheet in package: Business Name: Contact Name: Contact Address: Contact Phone Number: Best time to call (should there be any questions):
Payment should be RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2006 to:
D & D Gospel Entertainment, L.L.C. Post Office Box 477 Glendale AZ 85311-0477
For more Information contact Debbie at 623-202-7916
'TBT' Truth Be Told Be Blessed D & D Entertainment Co. 'Devoted and Dedicated' to the Will of God