Sydney, AU (Sony BMG Music Entertainment) - Currently rocking and rolling around the country aboard the Big Day Out tour bus, Paul Thomson and Nick McCarthy from Franz Ferdinand took some time out for a chat. We got the lowdown on what music the guys have been listening to lately, who's best to party with on tour, and shopping with The Strokes. Watch the interview here... Franz Ferdinand have been blazing their way across the country, with both their Big Day Out performances and side shows taking people out left, right and centre. We had a chat with two very lovely Franz Ferdinandos, Paul and Nick, when they were in town, to find out what life on the road is like for four lads from Scotland. In the first part of our interview, the guys fill us in on some of the best live shows they've checked out recently, attempting to lead a normal life while on tour, and what happens when you wear a cowboy hat to the Gold Coast Big Day Out.