NEW YORK (MIX TAPE TALK) - As the New Year kicked off last week, mixtapetalk.com sat down with the 'Fight Klub' champ, Serius Jones, and discussed everything from his new album to being labeled as a battle rapper. 'Well, I'm not a battle rapper (laughing), I just talk about facts. If you look stupid, I'm going to tell you that you look stupid, and people are going to laugh because it's the truth,' says Serius. 'Just by having a conversation with Serius, I can tell that he's very passionate and believe in everything that his doing,' says Shawndrea Oliver, Ceo of mixtapetalk.com. 'I feel that '06' could be his break out year. People better pay attention.' We also had the opportunity to talk to the next big artist out of Houston, Jokaman. 'The album is going to be a classic. It's called 'Live and Learn.' It's about my life and my learning from everything I have experienced. I poured my heart into the album and worked on it everyday for like 2 straight months,' explains Jokaman. In addition, both DJ L and DJ Impact shared their thoughts on the mixtape industry. 'See the mixtape community is the early buzz system for the labels; we introduce the public to the next generation of artist. We are the true hip-hop A&R system,' says DJ Impact. Check out these interviews and more at www.mixtapetalk.com.