NEW YORK (By Mark Flores Communications/
Latino Mgmt/ www.djwillie.com) - DJ Willie is a true pioneer in bringing Reggaeton blends and mixes to the streets and also nightclubs around the globe. He has a tremendous amount of success in 2005 with his successful Reggaeton Mixtapes which is has been gaining popularity quickly from coast to coast. Reggaeton and Latin hip-hop are currently making their presence felt across America.
"Radio stations are flipping their formats to Reggaeton / Latin Hip Hop across the country to fulfill the Hispanic community's needs" says DJ Willie, currently the leader in a growing trend of Latin DJ's making moves with Reggaeton mixtapes.
After creating a buzz with his successful Reggaeton cd series titled "I LOVE REGGAETON" and also "REGGAETON HITZ" series DJ Willie caught the attention of major players" in the Record label corporate world. DJ Willie will be pushing Reggaeton and pushing the Reggaeton movement further and further with his talent as a DJ and TV host in 2006 and having live Friday & Saturday Night transmissions from different exotic Miami locations on Miami's own Mega 94.9fm.
In 2005 DJ Willie found himself being in the No 1 position on the streets with ten's of thousands of Reggaeton Blend mixtapes that invaded the streets of USA inlcuding the hard to penetrate New York City market.
Not only is DJ WILLIE one of the pioneers in bringing Reggaeton to the streets, he has re-mixed some of the hottest Reggaeton re-mixes aswell, 50 cent Window Shopper feat. Cruz, Kanye West Goddigger amongest others. These re-mixes produced by DJ Willie have helped the genre of Reggaeton crossover into mainstream America by taking a hot Hip-hop song and making a Reggaeton re-mix out of it.
I started doing these re-mixes out of necessity rather then just doing them for the hell of it!
DJ Willie explains. What happened is it became a hip thing to do. Labels are looking at it as another form of music because it is getting so much exposure on the new formatted radio-stations that keep popping up.
DJ Willie is currently working on being the 1st LATIN DJ to have his own retail-ready mixtape titled: REGGAETON HITZ 2006 which will have a early March 2006 store release. "This formula has worked well with Hip Hop DJ's as Clue, Funk Master Flex etc", "We chose DJ Willie, and feel comfortable with him says label president Oscar Sanchez from Alfluent Records, we will have him bring out the best possible retail-ready mixtape cd while maintaing his cred with his street fans".
Now with that said, DJ Willie will ultimately now reach a broader range of fans thru our distribution chain nationally and internationally. "We are using this mix of the hottest Reggaeton records to educate people who may not be familiar with Reggaeton, and reggaeton artist's in general says DJ Willie".
This cd which will be available at Wal-Marts, Targets and Best Buys among other big chains of music, officially it is a Mixtape DJ's dream by having your own mixtape available on retail stands across America, "now we can truly say I made a mark within the industry giants" (laughs DJ Willie)
"You have Anglos, African Americans, and Jamaicans buying Reggaeton, so it's a very international thing. Even in Europe now Reggaeton is starting to blow up, said Mike Esperson, director of Promotions & Marketing. (who has worked with giants like Jay Z , Eminem and Rod Stewart").
As the Reggaeton movement continues to grow you'll be able to find DJ Willie involved in the movement one way or another. So be on the look out for his Reggaeton re-mixes, his retail Mixtape "REGGAETON HITZ 2006" cd on Afluent Records distributed by Caroline Music/EMI indusrty giant (distributors of Jessica Simpson & Usher products).