(ROADRUNNER Records) - INFECTED is a brand new game for the PSP (TM) PlayStation Portable that features music from Roadrunner Records. Hitting store shelves on November 15th, 2005, INFECTED includes tracks by Slipknot, Chimaira, Trivium, Ill Nino, Fear Factory, and The Agony Scene - click here for a full track list. Even better, the single-player game allows you to choose among a complete cast of Slipknot characters! INFECTED is a fast-paced, over-the-top 3rd person shooter developed by Planet Moon Studios and published by Majesco Entertainment, which casts you as a lone cop, fighting against a tidal wave of infectious zombies, intent on ripping New York to shreds. In the single player game, you'll clear out neighborhoods in brutal "Kill Em All" scenarios, or race to evacuate civilans in the "Helicopter Evac" missions. As you progress, you'll unlock bigger weapons and new avatars, including those special Slipknot characters! In the multiplayer game, infect your friends when you whip ass in deathmatch, Mad Cow and other special game types. Whether in 8 player ad-hoc, or 2 player through the Internet, winning matches will spread your custom infection across the globe. Once again, look for INFECTED on stores on November 15th.