NEW YORK (Cynamin Jones PR) - Dame Grease is at it again, fresh off the DMX European tour he headz straight back to his LOT MUSIK Studio, where he bangs out heat after heat, supplying the industry A&R's with gutter soundz and off the change instrumental beats, he says "This time around you will experience a change in the Grease sound, Im on some other sh**t the beats are uncontrollable, the sound is eclectic and the format is from another dimension, Grease elaborates, being on tour and listening to what the fans are asking for just brought out the heat in me. Grease known for his signature horns, and platinum hits such as "Get At Me Dog, and We"ll Always Love Big Poppa," Knows he will make a statement this time around. He has a whole new attitude and refuses to stand still, acting as CEO to his Vacant Lot Record Label and multi-tasking on other related music projects, Grease keeps his main priority project on top the L.A.B.'s, his group which he is a part of and not only on the production side. He has recruited new talent and is ready to release, but his question to you is are you ready for a change and the respect that follows. He's taking his entrepreneurial approach and applying it to his newly renovated Lot Musik Studios, which he now opened to the public as well. Grease states, "This time around is different, I have it mapped out, the machine is running and ready, everything is in position, the music, the artist, and the undisclosed weapon. All Grease asks is that you listen, learn, and observe what you thought would never happen... and experience the launch of the guerilla urban assault - straight from the hood to the boardroom... all Industries beware, the chains are off and the doors have been unlocked. So if you didn't know who sat on the throne in Harlem, Now you know!