NEW YORK (By Miguel Banuelos/ V2music) - First of all, some of you may have been hearing some Grandaddy on your television of late. It's no audio mirage. Grandaddy's "Nature Anthem" is currently featured in a Honda Hyrbid ad. And just to make things easier for the public at large, we've also made the track available at iTunes. Here's the link: https://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?selectedItemId=82469039&playListId=82469070&s=143441 So by now you already know that the new EP, "Excerpts from the Diary of Todd Zilla" is in stores now. You also know that Grandaddy is incahoots with Insound to bring you an exclusive t-shirt design each month for the next few months. If you missed design No 1, too bad cuz it's gone the way of the dodo. But you still have about a week to get design No 2. Get it while the bacon's hot. https://www.insound.com/noteworthy/promo.cfm?p=499 And if that wasn't enough, you can also check in on Jason and the boys at My Space, where you can stream the new record in its entireity and see some exclusive art by Aaron. Check that out at www.myspace.com/grandaddy If you still haven't gotten your copy of the EP, ask now!