TORONTO, CA. (INDIE BAND CANADA/ www.indiebandcanada.com) - In early July 2005, two aspiring musicians from Toronto took it upon themselves to solve the ever-present issue facing independent bands today, ‘exposure'. Having been a part of the music scene for nearly 10 years, it became apparent to co-founders Winston So and Jason Kent that the band community not only in Toronto, but those all across Canada needed help. That ‘help' came in the form of an online web community called Indie Band Canada, which launched on September 10th of this year. It was obvious to the creators of Indie Band that there needed to be an outlet for Canadian musicians to utilize, so an online radio station was created in conjunction with Indie Band called IBC tunes. Indie Band Canada was designed to be a website for musicians by musicians. The idea of Indie Band came about through a desire to unite the surging band growth happening all across Canada. The online band community had been done to a certain extent before, however there is something different about the way Indie Band Canada has been put together. The difference was the people who created Indie Band are the same who were meant to use the site. The focus of the site will always be an outlet for the independent musician in Canada to be heard. Co-founders Kent and So knew the one way to help any independent band is to have their music played for a large audience. This is accomplished by designing the first independent band radio station in Canada, IBC tunes. IBC tunes operates with a random sampling of all the songs uploaded by bands in the Indie Band community. IBC tunes is meant to operate in the same way a traditional radio station does. Just like turning on your radio, IBC tunes is started with one click to hear all the newest underground music in Canada. Keeping the community aspect of Indie Band alive, Kent and So designed the whole website to operate completely free of cost for the bands. 'The focus of Indie Band Canada will always remain the music first and foremost, we are fans too,' says Kent. You can check them out at https://www.indiebandcanada.com